Welcome to Security

Not a day goes by without new IT-security issues and not surprisingly, people are beginning to question our ability to protect their privacy and security. As professionals, we must do better!

IT-Security must be a welcome addition in all phases of software development from idea to operations. IT-Security must focus on achieve the business needs with understood and accepted risks and not focusing on achieving “perfect” security.

WelcomeSecurity is my company based on providing security services that provide business value as well as security. I do believe that security is both a necessity and a business enabler. Businesses capable of protecting their customers will thrive when their competitions have breaches and proven good security is a business differentiator.

Although I do provide all the typical security services, WelcomeSecurity is different in that I have 15+ years of experience actually building running secure software and therefore understand the trade-offs involved as well as understanding the business dynamics involved in getting software off the ground.

A secondary goal of all engagements are to enable the business to improve process, tools, techniques, people etc. to allow businesses to continue improving security even after WelcomeSecurity has left. Therefore WelcomeSecurity actively engages in the business and provide suggestions, feedback where appropriate.

If you want to know more about WelcomeSecurity, please do not hesitate to contact me at info@welcomesecurity.net

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